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Phnom Penh Port Competitiveness Enhancement Project (Phase 2) (P15-L1)

The project contains three components: (1) further expansion of port capacity; (2)installation of handling equipment and the purchase of trucks; and (3) building thestrategies for the promotion advertisement and sales. The objectives of projectincludeexpansion of port capacity and the improvement of handling productivity,attraction of customers to use PPAP services, and creation of port services to be closerto the users. The project aims to promote the economic growth of Cambodia by thereduction of logistic cost for the cargo throughput via PPAP for the present and future.Moreover, this project will support the insequent traffic of cargo throughput via PPAP.

The Phnom Penh Port Competitiveness Enhancement Project is implemented by thePhnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) and financed by PPAP’s own sources andinvestment partners. Currently, the project has not started yet. Moreover, the projectalso faced obstacles, including lack of capital and investment partners, lackof location, andlack of human resources. The project team is currently request cooperation andassistance from the relevant Ministries in finding investment partners.The project components will include the followings:

1.Further expansion of port capacity400 000 TEUs/yr (Development project onphase 4) 2.Constructionof warehouse for general cargo 3.Development of general cargo terminal 4.Construction of the ICD5.Development of port promotion and sales enhancement strategy (to becontinued from Short-and Mid-terms).