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General Department Of Logistics

Secretariat of National Logistics Steering Committee

Southern Line/Sihanoukville Port Access Railway Improvement Project (Phase 1) (P12-M2)

The project is for line improvements (i.e., automatic signaling, electric level crossings,additional stations/sidings) to address outstanding infrastructure issues; andconstruction of a short rail access line within the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port.

The project has been implemented by the Department of Railways and achieved 40%of overall progress. In fact, the main activities under this project are as follows:

  1. Conduct feasibility and design studies (30%)
  2. Implement cost-effective project components, e.g., more crossing loops,signaling improvements, motorized points, track circuiting, and electric levelcrossings on the road in Phase 1 (30%)
  3. Implement social and environmental impact mitigation measures, as required(60%)