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General Department Of Logistics

Secretariat of National Logistics Steering Committee

Development of Railway Regulatory Framework (P52-S1)

The project aims to strengthen the railway regulatory framework in Cambodia for increased safety and efficient railway operations.

This project has been implemented by Department of Railways. Overall, the project will have the following economic benefits as follows: (i) safer and timely transport by railways which would provide the industries the option to use railway transport more frequently (ii) with concrete railway standards and operation manuals in place, railway depreciation will be extended and could lower the lifetime maintenance costs; (iii) lower entry barriers for private operators and increase private sector involvement in the railway sector (railway operators) and (iv) cross-border railway operations will be accelerated.

Currently, the project is ongoing and has achieved 50% of overall progress. In fact, the main activities under this project are as follows:

  1. Review of the railway concession agreement achieved 80%;
  2. Updating and enactment of the Railway Law achieved 30%;
  3. Development of railway regulations, technical standards and operation manuals achieved 70%;
  4. Implementation of cross-border railway agreements achieved 80%.
  5. Drafted sub-decree on the Management of Level Crossing and Rights of Way of Railway (60%)